Prophetess Kayla Osborn
While devoting my life to ministry as a daughter of the King, wife, and mother, I carry a prophetic mantle in deliverance with a mandate focused on spiritual warfare. Grace Inspired Box is dedicated solely to the Lord. May He receive all the glory.

My greatest desire is to serve the Lord in excellence by equipping and encouraging believers through prophetic words and ministering deliverance. I am described as a trailblazer who hears from the Holy Spirit and is known for releasing accurate bold, prophetic words without apology or compromise.

Grace Inspired Box is a vision from the throne room that the Lord placed in my heart. I depend entirely on the Holy Spirit to receive fresh mana from heaven to curate each box. I plan the theme based on the personalized prophetic word He gives me, and I ask Him to choose every item down to detail. Upon opening it, I pray that everyone who receives it will feel a Holy Spirit hug in a box.