Watch And Pray

Watch And Pray

October 13, 2023

Father, I thank you that you are the Alpha and Omega. You are the beginning and the end. There is nothing that is too hard for you. I thank you that you uphold your children in your mighty right hand. You are our protector, strong tower, and mighty fortress. You are a man of war, and Yahweh is your name. I thank you that vengeance towards the enemy is yours, and you defeat every darkness. I thank you that we are covered under the shadow of the Almighty, and you protect us and hide us under your wings. I plead the blood of Jesus and anoint every door and window while declaring Psalms 91 over our homes. I thank you that every knee must bow to your name. You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I come against every demonic plan of the enemy and cancel their assignment now in Jesus' mighty name. I burn up every evil blueprint with the fire of Almighty God. I come against all confusion and witchcraft attacks now and cancel them with the blood of Jesus. No weapon formed against us shall prosper, and every fiery dart must fall to the ground. I loose peace over the hearts and minds of your children and ask that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The gates of hell shall not prevail. You are victorious. Therefore, we are victorious in you. I loose boldness and courage over the Saints and command all fear to loose its grip and go to the abyss now. I command dry bones to come alive and that the Remnant to rise up and assume its position. That our body, soul, and spirit come into alignment with the living Word of God and submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. I thank you that we were created for such a time as this and that you have equipped us to be the hands and feet of Jesus. I thank you that no matter what it may look like, you are in control. I thank you that no matter what it may feel like in the battle, you are with us. I thank you that we are never alone. Thank you for your dunimus power of the Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, healed the lame, made blind eyes to see and the deaf to hear lives inside of us. Lord, increase the anointing that breaks the yoke; pour your Spirit out on us now in Jesus' name. I thank you that even now, you are increasing our discernment, prophecy, revelation, and knowledge as you lead us into all truth. Have your way, Lord. You are Adoni, Elohim, The Risen One, El Shaddai, and I praise your holy name. You are worthy of all glory, honor, and praise in the precious name of Jesus, I pray. 

Kayla Osborn 
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