August 29, 2023

There is an urgency in the spirit to pray against the plans of the enemy and burn up every demonic blueprint with the fire of Almighty God. 

Prayer warriors, RISE UP! Watchmen, man your post, FAST, and pray.


The Holy Spirit revealed to me in a dream last night an urgent threat. I'm asking prayer warriors to take their call seriously and join me as I go to war. 


In the name above all names, I come against every demonic plan of the enemy and call the fire of God to burn up their blueprints now in Jesus' name. I come against all chaos, distraction, and destruction and loose peace over the land and hearts of man as revelation comes forth. I give a cease and desist order from the throne room of heaven to every hidden agenda and evil spirit and demand it to be pushed back. I come against and dismantle every explosion and forbid it from manifesting in Jesus' mighty name. I speak order into the atmosphere and ask Yahweh to loose warrior angels with swords of fire drawn to shield and protect His children from all harm in the name of Jesus. May the stony hearts of man turn to flesh and their eyes be fixed on Jesus. May they be positioned and prepared with their lamps full of oil when the bridegroom returns. Thank you, Adoni, for warning your prophets and speaking to your people. Please give us eyes to see and ears to hear, making us sensitive to your Spirit. May we heed your warning by lacing up our boots as you armor us up for battle. Thank you for being our strong tower, fortress, and shield. I thank you that we never fight alone, that you are a man of war, and that there is more for us than could ever be against us. I give you all the glory, honor, and praise in Jesus' name.

Kayla Osborn 

*See Prophesy DISMANTLED Update

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