Keep Pushing

Keep Pushing

September 13, 2023

I had a dream last night where the Lord showed me that there are hoards of low-level devils on assignment to wreak chaos, cause distraction, and debilitate you with fear to prevent you from walking in your calling by aborting the spiritual baby that many of you are about to birth. Do not fall for the enemy's schemes or believe his lies! The best way to handle these attacks is to boldly confront them head-on in the name of Jesus and not be moved. Keep your eyes focused like a flint on the King of Kings, and do not get distracted or allow yourself to become overwhelmed. Your help comes from the maker of heaven and earth, and nothing is too hard for the God you serve, the Lord Jesus. You are equipped for your assignment and fully able to carry it out. So, take a deep breath, and keep pushing! You're almost there, and the reward will be greater than you can imagine! 

Kayla Osborn 
Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore, have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame.
Isaiah 50:7 NIV
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