Elijah Never Dies

Elijah Never Dies

June 29, 2023

Jezabel does NOT win. Elijah NEVER dies. He defies all the odds because he was anointed by Almighty God. If you've been chased into a cave, tired and desperate, I'm here to tell you this is not where your story ends. You will NOT die by the hand of the enemy, and the spirit of fear is a liar. God has ordered your steps. He appoints angels to minister to and protect you. The Lord is your fortress, high tower, deliverer, rescurer and shield. Do you know what happens to Elijah after the cave incident? He anointed two kings, mantled Elisha, called fire down from heaven twice, divided water to walk on dry ground, saw chariots of fire in the spirit, and went up to heaven in a whirlwind. His story didn't end in the cave, and yours doesn't either. The Lord has much work for you to do. This is just a detour to learn to hear His voice and trust Him. Now, rest in Him and know God is in control.
As for Jezebel, her story ends by getting pushed out of a window and eaten by dogs. You're welcome.
- Kayla Osborn

1 Kings 19, 21
2 Kings 1, 2
Psalms 144

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