August 29, 2023

Never underestimate the power of prayer, and always be obedient to what the Lord is asking you to do, regardless of what it may look like in the natural or what others may think. The Holy Spirit revealed a demonic plan of the enemy and showed me an explosion early this morning in a dream. I woke up and immediately began to pray, asking Him what else He had for me to do according to this assignment. After a few hours, He instructed me to urgently call the watchman to man their post, fast, and release a warfare prayer. 

The response was incredible, and I want to thank every warrior that laced their boots and armored up for battle today. Because of your faith and obedience, the fire of God burned up every blueprint of the enemy, and he was forbidden from moving forward in his attack. Now, I've never checked the news for potential explosions, but I was led to do that this evening, and the number of bomb threats where an explosion did NOT happen and nobody was harmed nearly blew my mind and grew my faith. I wanted to share this in hopes that it would do the same for you. I take absolutely no credit and give Almighty God all the glory. This is just the beginning of how the remnant will operate. The enemy doesn't stand a chance, and the gates of hell shall not prevail. Thank you, Jesus!

Kayla Osborn

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